Anti Drugs Awareness Programme

The Awareness Program on Drug Abuse featured the following activities:

  • Interactive Presentations: Informative presentations were delivered by experts and volunteers to raise awareness about the various aspects of drug abuse, its consequences, and preventive measures.
  • Open Discussions: Engaging discussions were held, allowing students to share their thoughts, concerns, and queries related to drug abuse.
  • Awareness Literature Distribution: Pamphlets and brochures were distributed among the attendees, providing additional information and resources for further learning.
  • The event received positive feedback from the attendees, with many expressing their appreciation for the informative and engaging sessions. The program succeeded in creating awareness among the students about the adverse effects of drug abuse and the importance of making healthy life choices.

To further enhance the impact of such awareness programs, the organizers are encouraged to:

  • Organize follow-up sessions or workshops to reinforce the knowledge gained during the event.
  • Collaborate with local authorities, Social Workers, Esteemed Personalities and NGOs to extend the reach of future programs.
  • The Awareness Program on Drug Abuse conducted by the College NSS Wing at Bhumata Village, GIC Amori, Market and many other villages.
  • Through interactive sessions and collaborations, the event succeeded in fostering a sense of responsibility among the attendees to combat drug abuse and promote a healthier and drug-free lifestyle.


Anti-Drugs Activities: Report: click on Below: 

Anti – Drugs Programmes Report of College


Anti Drugs Awareness Coordinator: Dr. Sanjay Diwakar: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Political Science

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