Swachh Bharat Campaigns

‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ is an initiative of the Government of India to make India a clean India. The campaign involves the construction of latrines, promoting sanitation programmes in the rural areas, cleaning streets, and roads and changing the country’s infrastructure to lead the country ahead. It was launched on the 145th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on 2nd of October, 2014. 

College students Participated in the cleanliness drive organised by the college under the programme ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’. The programme began with the garlanding of the picture of Mahatma Gandhi. Students cleaned the campus and raised the slogan ‘One step towards cleanliness’.
The NSS and Rovers & Rangers volunteers participated in creating awareness among public, informing them about the importance of cleanliness. The students also took the initiative to clean the surroundings of vicinity.

The volunteers cleaned the entire campus wearing gloves and collected all the litter in big bags for disposal. The volunteers were instructed to clean their hands with soap at the end. Refreshments were distributed to volunteers.

Our mission is to provide a clean, safe, productive and well maintained physical environment for college and Rural community. The mission has targeted aims like:

  • To make everyone understand the importance of cleanliness and maintain it forever to continue a healthy and peaceful life.
  • To bring behavioral changes among people regarding maintenance of personal hygiene and practice of healthy sanitation methods.
  • To eliminate the open defecation in adopted village.
  • To implement the proper hygienic waste management in best possible way.
  • To strengthen the cleanliness systems in the college Campus and adopted village.
  • To sensitize people about health education through awareness programmes.
  • To produce manure using bio-wastes.
  • To increase awareness of the effects of substance abuse.
  • To organize Yoga/meditation sessions for holistic well being.
  • To increase the awareness of importance of nutrition for a healthy life style.


Various Activities for Swachh Environment

Women Empowerment:

Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine is a Self-Service Vending Machine: Principal and Female Teachers told about it to college female students